Other > General Game Discussion

what now?

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--- Quote from: Glumer on January 26, 2013, 07:11:16 pm ---i played there for 3 year, population is now made by people which you cannot meet anywhere maybe sometimes in Junktown or NCR. I think you can delete north part of map now.

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It doesnt solve anything. Northest cities are mainly designed for PVP. Are you one of these NCR guys?


--- Quote from: LittleBoy on January 26, 2013, 06:59:54 pm ---You do nothing thats the problem . Better shut down server or start doing something.

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You must have been sleeping the past weeks. Beside this, your argument makes no sense.

--- Quote from: -Fojtik- on January 26, 2013, 07:05:45 pm ---You do not work hours and hours after work from your real life.   
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In fact, many of us did work hours and hours after work over a very long time period, to create the game in the first place.

I hope that someone from dev team, take the look on skycast code, as mentioned in this topic.


--- Quote from: Lexx on January 26, 2013, 07:58:24 pm ---In fact, many of us did work hours and hours after work over a very long time period, to create the game in the first place.

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I can still have fun with the game, but I suppose that is in part due to the fact that I'll happily use my imagination to find something to do, instead of relying on Dev's to implement something for me to do.

Are there things I'd like to see fixed?  Of course.  Would I like to see some feedback from Dev's about what they are planning, what is being worked on currently, and what things cannot/will not be fixed/implemented?  Of course.  Apart from donating to keep the server online, would I like to help?  Of course.

The truth is we can't always get what we want, especially when it's other people we're asking to do something for us.  The truth is, they've done more for you by keeping the game online, updating, wiping every so often, and keeping us playing for free (if we so choose) than most of us have done for them, or ourselves.

If we don't like how the game is, we can either choose to play something else, or create the game we would like to play.  In the case of the latter, I guess it's easier to bitch about what someone else has done rather than put the work in to do it ourselves.

Want something done to your liking?  Do it yourself.  http://fodev.net/forum/index.php/board,42.0.html

I know my opinion is unpopular in regards to this, but I'm not a popular guy.  So, fuck it.


--- Quote from: Lexx on January 26, 2013, 07:58:24 pm ---In fact, many of us did work hours and hours after work over a very long time period, to create the game in the first place.

--- End quote ---
How to say, you are not doing it well or efficiently, if so then you do not need hours and hours after your work until now. Also I remember a long time periods without devs, please stop talk about how you regularly worked.


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