Other > General Game Discussion

what now?

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Why? Did we kill your family?

You do nothing thats the problem . Better shut down server or start doing something.

Well... I like the server, I have good moments when I'm playing.

About FR, I think it's very usefull and this make battles very intense.
But there's not much battles which need FR... Most of the time one team ragequit fast because they are only 8 vs 20 (according to what they say on forum).

About HQ Chemical, I'm afraid if they are implemented we won't have enough for all players on the server.
There's only 2 spots for Chemical, so if this will be the same thing for HQ, soon we will have a lot of players whining because there's not enough HQ Chemicals spots.

I don't say the server is perfect, of course this could be better.
But I think there's too much whining, this give the feeling the server sucks which is not true.

Waiting in the middle of waiting room on dentist, is much more enjoyable than your server Lexx. You do not work hours and hours after work from your real life.   

i played there for 3 year, population is now made by people which you cannot meet anywhere maybe sometimes in Junktown or NCR. I think you can delete north part of map now.


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