Other > Gang Issues

Zaakon is not scammer (by my opinion)

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Very classy move, stealing a character from a person that did nothing but help you, like the rest of us. Well at least I see that Lepa's decision to kick you was well justified... Congrats! Hope your new gang understands what a parasite and leech you really are  ;)


--- Quote from: greenthumb on January 24, 2013, 07:10:40 pm ---@davrot: Can you show any evidence or at least nicks please?
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Several witnesses can confirm my story, alt nick was Marketh, (as you can see it doesn't follow his naming convention, he seems somehow obsessed with the number 7) though I doubt he can tell you where the origin of the name comes from.

well well...  i was so glad that somebody step forward and shouted the truth, that im very honest trader. And it has turned against that person. So i want to share with the community: my feelings about trading with ivic7 were very good >:(

Greenthumb ofc i didnt, that noob  just makes things up, because before i was raping his ass in Den and these days i fuk his ass in Reno, so he cries. :D I said that he is not scammer by my opinion, and if you dont trust to a guy, you  just do trade by your own rules and he cant scam you. And those guys are from Weird Barbarians, the biggest noobs ever, they insulted me because i sold a imp flamer bp to Frankestone instead of them...


--- Quote from: Ivic777 on January 24, 2013, 07:44:20 pm ---Greenthumb ofc i didnt, that retard  just makes things up, because before i was raping his ass in Den and these days i fuk his ass in Reno, so he cries.
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I recall the days when your vocabulary didn't consist of insults, a shame that you let your greed guide you.


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