Other > Gang Issues

Zaakon is not scammer (by my opinion)

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Lets bring this discussion back to topic: Zaakon might not be a scammer, but I won't trade with someone who has such an annoying in game character. 

yeah if somebody decide to roleplay "robin hood" in GR :D, he should expect that his trading reputation will get hurt :D


--- Quote from: greenthumb on January 24, 2013, 08:54:18 pm ---yeah if somebody decide to roleplay "robin hood" in GR :D, he should expect that his trading reputation will get hurt :D

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I get what you are saying, but Robin Hood spread the wealth among the poor.  Zaakon does it for his own personal gain.

i spread it >:( like mad i spred it everywhere man :P sorry about my stealing :-[

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Ivic777 on January 24, 2013, 08:35:44 pm --- Account thievery? Are you kidding me? Man, you are smart guy, why would anyone steal account in this game? You can make whatever build you want in 2 hours. Its just a bunch of crap they made up, because i insulted their gay leader. Man, i dont need to explain anything because 2 noobs from that tiny faction just started some crap. I am trusty player and big trader!! :D And yes i agree, RabbitMan is great trader, we traded many, many times.

--- End quote ---
Again with this,really?
Don't lie,you did steal. Marketh was one of Davrots most used alts.
And what was with that "wtf fight me IRL,do you even lift?" stuff?

Back to topic:Well Zaakon you can't expect much.After all Robin hood was a thief even tho he gave the stuff to the poor.


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