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Quick question about thievery.
Hello again. I am still rather new to this game, but have played Fallout 1 and 2. My question is: If someone tries to steal from me, and it comes up and says "blahblahblah tried to steal from you!", do I have the right to shoot him in the face without guards of guarded towns or cities attacking me, or will the guards turn on me if I punish someone for trying to steal, in broad daylight, with me facing him?
If this has been asked before or I posted in the wrong location, I'm sorry.
If the text is red, then yes they are unprotected. However, sometimes the text can be green which can happen, for example, if you were in combat when they tried to steal, then they are still protected.
ahhh ok. Well it said "someone tried to steal from you in green, but under that, it said "[username] tried to steal from you!" In red.
Next time it happens, shotgun to the face. getting tired of avoiding potentially friendly players because the odd one tries to pick my pocket or suicide bomb me.
if it says "xxx tried to steal from you" you can kill him
if someone successfully stole something from you, you can not kill him
best way to check if someone's unpro or protected is alt+click on him and pick PUSH option.
then if you'll see text "thie one isnt blocking anything yet" it means he is not protected and you can kill him without any consequences. if someone failed to steal something from other player - everyone can kill him not only thief's victim.
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