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This Game Is a Waste of Time

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Oh daaaamn. Ok Ok Ok. If you find/meetme ingame (nickname Kharim or Kharaam) I can try to help you with exping, teach you some FOnline wisdom or even support you with a gun and some bullets. This is really no problem for me. I ussualy hang around NCR, however for next few days I will be very little online.
Unfortunetely I won't be able to smuggle you into my gang, as you would need to speak fluent Polish.

Today I've done a little quest with my gang at NCR. We kill some armed tribals who were blocking a railway or something like that. It was very fun but... It take to the fighters 5min and some ammo, and give 1000xp at the leader... It's cool, but a quest far longer, with really better reward and challenge, and a good story would be cool.


--- Quote from: Crazy on March 28, 2010, 03:51:21 am ---Today I've done a little quest with my gang at NCR. We kill some armed tribals who were blocking a railway or something like that. It was very fun but... It take to the fighters 5min and some ammo, and give 1000xp at the leader... It's cool, but a quest far longer, with really better reward and challenge, and a good story would be cool.

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Oooh, that sounds like fun! I need to find myself some swell people to travel with, if they can put up with my idiocy and whining... xD


--- Quote from: Lexx on March 27, 2010, 11:46:02 am ---ITs our game you do what we want you to! If we will want you to shovel shit 24/7 YOU WILL FUCKING shovel shit 24/7 or gtfo

Additionally to this, I shoveled like 5 shit's so far, just for the lulz. Don't need that to become rich or level up.

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This is some pretty shitty attitude.

As much as i bitch about this game, any game is a waste of time.


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