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Server off !?!?!?!??

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JovankaB   there will be one small fix after server start
JovankaB   actually one fix and one change

i hope she didnt nerf radios

-Max Payne-:
Thanks for this quickly answer  ::)

"Each alt you guys make increase server downtime a bit"

And it's good to know that.


--- Quote from: Wipe on January 21, 2013, 07:26:18 pm ---It's starting, will be on when all chararacters will be indexed... and as there is over 40k right now, it takes 15-30 minutes. Each alt you guys make increase server downtime a bit :-X

--- End quote ---

And yet you encourage alting with your silly features! Its all a big conspiracy, I finally see the big picture. You will make us have a million of characters each, and with fast relogs enabled only players with two million will be competitive in PvP... Until server crashes and it takes infinity to boot back up, so you could take all the money from generous donations made by players and... Buy a beer and a pack of gums.

(changelog 21.1.2013)

- bla bla bla ... brahmin...bla bla ...shovel ...bla bla ...brahmin shit.
- fixed unnecessary text in locations that no one visits

- Changed brahmin ... bla bla bla... shit.
- Added some useless thing but destroyed working things

Please keep your patience because of the update server will be down for 32 hours.
Next update like this in 2014.

-week later

u so smart

We already have such a thread, by the way.


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