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question about the merchants

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--- Quote from: Boon Lived on January 21, 2013, 12:03:08 am ---
A real pr0 makes them into weak powder first.

--- End quote ---

Yeah I figured I'd leave some mystery to the craft of mercantilism. =]

awesome. thanks for the info, guys.
And thanks for not giving me a link that tells me everything. I prefer finding things out for myself. If I knew it all from the word go it'd be dull. (no sarcasm there, seriously)
It's good to know that it's not all useless unless you trade with other players. I'll be sure to hang on to items I think will sell, and items I figure out that traders actually trade for once I discover them.

Discovery is 75% of the fun in my honest opinion. this game has so much potential for those who love being immersed in another world.

If you ever get bored wandering alone, I'd love to make a companion character to travel with you.  =D

Be safe out there.  And if you feel like quitting, come see me !

I actually love the harsh-ness of this game.
In my opinion this is how a post apocalyptic MMO should be.
I hate games that are all "you must survive in this environment, use your wits, use your skills, but ONLY FIGHT IN THE DESIGNATED AREAS YOU ARSE-HATS."

as my signature says, first encounter I had, I got shot in the balls for 120 damage, died, and thought "i love this game".
glad there are a few safe zones, you need a breather every now and then, but still, they way you can get shot at any time, betrayed by group members, ambushed etc. It's awesome.
Yes I've died 7 times already, and my only weapon is a mauser with 6 rounds left, but damn it, this is FUN.


--- Quote from: Visari on January 21, 2013, 12:39:15 am ---Yes I've died 7 times already, and my only weapon is a mauser with 6 rounds left, but damn it, this is FUN.

--- End quote ---

I'm looking forward to meeting you ingame. You have the right attitude :-D


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