Other > General Game Discussion
I'm in a panic!!!
A wipe won't help anything by itself. The features need to be fixed too.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: maszrum on January 20, 2013, 11:18:53 am ---its 2238, get used to it.. or wait for server made by gamers for gamers.
--- End quote ---
Good luck with that
Have faith, it is just a matter of time.
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on January 20, 2013, 11:29:39 am ---A wipe won't help anything by itself. The features need to be fixed too.
--- End quote ---
Wipe with a bigger than usual update is going to help a lot, development on a constant basis, not a whole year big fat update just to impress players and then having problems handling everything that was done.
veRy gOod iDEa man. xD i\'d LOVe to mEEt yOu irl, ExPlaiN YOu HOw To PROGRAM stEP bY STep AND dRiNk sOME VOdKA After WE IMpLEmEnt SoMe coOL THiNgS. xD YOu\'Re cOOl gUy. ;P ;P
HelloY, ПЕРЕЦ, how are you )) ?
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