Other > Faction Announcements
DA is looking for team
Dark Angel:
As in topic.
My way with TNB is over, not my fault. Some of SOT members are not enough adult to keep conversation and care more about loot.
Im self-contained and Im looking for PVP team which need fresh blood in actions. I have own stuff, characters and microphone.
Contact me via PM or IRC #2238 Dark_Angel
I want this topic clean and without any butthurts. replays will be removed. If u want write something send me msg on PM or IRC.
its only your fault dude.. how many warnings you have recived?
PM me, we need +1 to our holy swarm and will gladly take you and your alts
He is a very good looter, though his attitude will seriously annoy you at one point and also sometimes he will refuse to enter fight or will disappear as soon as you start loosing without saying anything, did I mention he likes to loot?
That's nothing, with such a big swarm we can afford few players not entering the battle or quitting it, no one will even notice it. And IF he enters then it's +1 for glory
Lewt is lewt, who cares about it.
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