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PVE merc leading

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Hey there guys,i m looking for a build that can carry the largest/cheapest possible team of hth guys,for mid to low tier real time pve purposes.
Unfortunately i never had a leader this season and i really don t have the time for extensive testing.
Any advice...?Or even better,if you are willing to post your favourite that would be great.

Wiki is outdated and i find very discordant information with search button.

-Max Payne-:
You need 10 in CH, and very much in speech. Mercenaries are very expansive.

this is my "combat" merc leader...

take mentats and beer while buying 4th merc. can handle 4 unarmed mutants, scores nice crits with laser rifle and can use gatling laser.. 260hp is also nice.

So i can handle the 4th mutie drugless after buying..?That s extremely nice,ty very much!


--- Quote from: Rain on January 14, 2013, 09:38:53 pm ---So i can handle the 4th mutie drugless after buying..?That s extremely nice,ty very much!

--- End quote ---

yes. my build has little too high strength and low action points, but you can just change that and everything will be nice. try remake it in nitue.net step after step to see how it evolves. lvl up with gatling on centaurs - its very fast


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