Other > Gang Issues

Section 8 and the Thirsty Gecko

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-Max Payne-:
Greasy don't play with s8, i think, and i hope.

guys me and greasy and shever is good palayer ! PTS SUKA  and Jacky reputation spoiled us in any gang. I would like you to prove that we are dobzi but I do not like. Is  sworm! And my people are not sticks in the 4-5 for 15 people; c

help me !

in progress

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Grimmi on March 27, 2013, 10:10:05 pm ---guys me and greasy and shever is good palayer ! PTS SUKA  and Jacky reputation spoiled us in any gang. I would like you to prove that we are dobzi but I do not like. Is  sworm! And my people are not sticks in the 4-5 for 15 people; c

help me !

--- End quote ---
You could grammar


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