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Fonline Introduction video
Hello everyone!
I was planning to make FOnline introduction video. The reason is that we need more people to this game to make this more interesting. I am asking you guys ideas and suggestion which i should present in that video. I was thinking something like 20minutes video, and it will have huge variety of content: pvp, farming, traps, event, citys, tc, failing, stealing, failing, shopping, leveling, gang issues, sneaking... etc.
So i need lots of ideas and might need some help to perform some of those content.
When I have made the first version of video I gonna need feedback and improvement suggestion.
Mike Crosser:
Make sure you point out that it is hard and that some people don't really play fair.
It is a wasteland after all.
In the video there should be like a 2 min tutorial through the installation.
Music has to be from the 50s/60s,no metalica or whatever.(my suggestion is bob (or was it bing?)crosbys "way back home")
Needs to point out that other servers exist,and that this one is canon.
And needs to connect with the bethestards.
This is a bit obvious but make sure it is in English and that you use correct grammar(no "me think this game good yes very much" kind of stuff)
After this video is out this thread should be deleted.
EDIT:Also if you are gonna do a trailer then try to make it like the F2 one (a fallout(real world thing not the game)warning video mixed with bits of gameplay and some other images from the game)
--- Quote from: Dequ on January 12, 2013, 09:42:59 pm ---Hello everyone!
I was planning to make FOnline introduction video. The reason is that we need more people to this game to make this more interesting. I am asking you guys ideas and suggestion which i should present in that video. I was thinking something like 20minutes video, and it will have huge variety of content: pvp, farming, traps, event, citys, tc, failing, stealing, failing, shopping, leveling, gang issues, sneaking... etc.
So i need lots of ideas and might need some help to perform some of those content.
When I have made the first version of video I gonna need feedback and improvement suggestion.
--- End quote ---
may i ask, how many youtube viewers do you have? if none, there's no point in doing any ad videos because nobody will see them anyway. you'd have to contact to some lets player or other famous youtuber and ask if he could post your vid there, THEN from 100k views, maybe 1% would try (1k people) and maybe half of they would stay. thats what i think about it.
Mike Crosser:
Hmmm maybe ask some modding community.
Because I doubt machinima would do it.
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on January 12, 2013, 10:19:08 pm --- I doubt machinima would do it.
--- End quote ---
me too. but there's many other lets players and channels about games, anyway i bet they would ignore any attempt of contact (they got 1000's pm's daily). and as i said before if you dont have own base of viewers then what? 500 views in 1 year? and 95% of them wont even watch entire video?
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