Other > Auctions
PPK 12 Gauss Pistol+25 2mm Ammo
Grim is Grimmi
Shever is POMPA_TV
--- Quote from: Grimmi on January 16, 2013, 06:16:05 pm ---NO>NO>NO
/Grimmi is GRim from Poland i do many good trades and im not acammer imm from poland tooo
/Shever is Shever POMPA_Tv or So he idk his tradnig carier he is from poland TOO
/Gr1m is Gr1m from american he good trades tooo
Guys Zaakon Killed me he enter on 2 chars or with a friend
and one of guys trade with me and anotheer bursted me on hex and first player looted me That is truth
--- End quote ---
if you are not able to post screen/log, then just share what alts scammed you.Maybe nicks, guns other gear.
well if someone burst u it was not me. My point of view is this, i wrote u where i am- ncr quarry. Two polish guys appeared and were askin for hammer. (they were low lvl so i was thinkin some noobs) I was there as my nick FirstAIDs. Then u appeard: stormy1 said siema to his polish friends and u want to see my caps. I showed u returned with gauss. We traded, then u wrote: and now u die and start runnig after me. I ran to grid end of story. Then i saw ur message here and asking wtf. Later i met stormy in ncr and we went farm together. He said that it was somebody else logged for his account and wrote that lie. So i m really confused right now but i see lot of hate coming to m y direction. So far i made 4 trade with gausses all succesful. Haters gonna hate. Howgh zaakon
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