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Special Encounter Hunting Tips

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because i'm tired of all the theories and unanswered questions.

build doesn't really matter except for the following for which i'll explain in detail

10PE(+cautious nature), but you don't NEED it but here is why you do want it, it helps with encounter placement putting you closer to exit grid for running away, saving you time inside the unwanted encounter especially if in tb(if you're in tb turn it off).
10Luck again you don't NEED it but it helps in placement and i believe in avoiding encounters(along with ODM), I've never had a problem with encounter placement with a 10 luck char, 1 luck can lead to a bad placement from what I have gathered.

190ODM, you don't need 300 ODM 190 is the max amount you need to get the 95% avoidance rate as its 1% per 2 ODM.

As far as terrain goes I really don't know but here is what i've gathered aslong as it isn't city terrain you'll find either Bunker, Howitzer, or Family gravesite, pick an area and run around like chicken with its head cut off.

as for the random car encounter I really don't know, with the claims of finding them on non-city terrain  and city terrain i just can't say with certainty what terrain you wanna be looking on for it, only the Devs know how it works but here is my guess, anywhere within close proximity to a town or on a city grid.

Not exactly the end all or be all for a guide I know, but its as close as you're gonna get without the Dev's clueing us in on some of the mechanics/prerequirement(char level to be exact).

from what I can tell only the random car(Old Warehouse) has a level requirement for it. For the bunker the lowest level i've encountered it on was 12 but i don't think there is a level requirement for it.

Maybe some nice Dev would like to share some knowledge in this thread about special encounter or just maybe something i've overlooked/missed and i'll update it.

urm....this is a terrible guide


--- Quote from: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 10, 2013, 02:48:04 pm ---urm....this is a terrible guide

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Leim on January 10, 2013, 02:45:13 pm ---because i'm tired of all the theories and unanswered questions....

Maybe some nice Dev would like to share some knowledge in this thread about special encounter or just maybe something i've overlooked/missed and i'll update it.

--- End quote ---

So you offer a bunch of "well this is what I THINK"

You say you're tired of theories and suggest nothing but unconfirmed theories....

And then end the thread with what EVERYONE is already asking for... the Devs INPUT.


--- Quote from: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on January 10, 2013, 02:48:04 pm ---urm....this is a terrible guide

--- End quote ---
its the best you're gonna get and you know it, u just mad :P

well i've farmed 30 gausses this season so far, just sharing what I know, i get why its a terrible guide as you look at it and just see someone guessing.


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