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Special Encounters Distributed By GMs?

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--- Quote from: Nexxos on January 10, 2013, 06:07:38 am ---Here's a piece of confirmed information: You can't find special encounters when traveling on zones purely consisting of water.

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And I say this because you can't walk on water :D

I once asked for a hint from Jovanka, where the vehicle special enc can be found and was told that they can be found at places where i expect a vehicle to be found.
That would make sense, if it were near junkyard, gas stations, cities, highways, but when i saw last two recent encounters near Hub or in Raider Valley...
Looking at this, you can expect the encounter just everywhere so dont expect a KIND soul telling you anything.
All of you will be trolled with cryptical glee. So the version with GM-distributed encounters look very feasible to me.

I just found the hidden bomb shelter for the first time, after what, nine or ten months worth of playing? Though I've found the howitzer encounter twice long ago.

I think it's purely based on being over the right type of map and the raw number of steps you take on foot. Being in car screens out a lot of encounters, so you aren't "thrown in." Unless we get reports of people finding special encounters while in vehicles, I hypothesize you need to be on foot and in a non-choice, forced encounter situation!

Are you able to find special encounters in groups?


--- Quote from: LostSoul on January 10, 2013, 08:10:21 am ---Are you able to find special encounters in groups?

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Yes, also one time I found Gauss with a pack of mercenaries. :)


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