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Author Topic: Repair and science mechanics  (Read 1834 times)

Repair and science mechanics
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:06:24 pm »

Repairing with the usage of junk, metal parts, alloys, high quality alloys and metal parts would be more realistic and cool, not the system like it is now.
Just saying.

he put a bug into my ear, and I really liked the idea...

I was thinking something like this items can be repaired with crafting materials they are

originaly crafted

example m60
crafting recepie
7 alloys
7 metal parts

weapon is on 50% and you repair it with
4 alloys
3 metal parts
its half of crafting materilas and it would repair weapon for 50% if reapir skill is on 300%

example of metal armor is on 50% and you reapeir it with
1 fiber
1 brahmin hide
1 metal part

I know not all parts are not the same value, but its 30% of materials and it would repair armor

to 80%  (repair skill 300%)

I dont know how forumula for reparir works now but as I am thinking it could go like this if you

reapaird same armor with same materials with skill of 200% it would repair it for 2/3 * 30% = 20%

I think this idea is more realistic and we would have more use of sciencing stuff, we would rly dissesemble old broken stuff and USE materials for repair other ones
also dissesembling should could you more materials while you disesembling something which have high deteriation stats, for example if weapon is 100% and you have 300% science you should maybe

need to get all parts from it, or maybe 90% ( it would work like that in real life if some
professional would take appart perfect rifle in all the peaces, he could assamble it back all dissebled parts together in perfect order and working condition )

I know my english is not perfect, I know some words are probably wrong, but I think you will undestand enough to get my picture,
people would farm a lot more, killing enouhnters dissesembling their stuff, assembling new stuff from that, like in true apocalyptical world
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 12:39:22 am by Besmrtnik »
Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 01:11:18 am »

Repair with resource is crafting, not repairing.
Repair with parts from sciencing actually is current system, but your idea is more compilcate
Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 01:21:27 am »

wierd why all other posts have been deleted?

Mike Crosser

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Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2013, 01:47:16 am »

Because most of them went like this:"this season repair sucks".And brought nothing of value to the tread.
Back to topic,the suggestion is good,it makes sense and is quite realistic.I'm not the fan of the current system either,doubt this one will change much but I would like to see it implemented as soon as possible.
Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2013, 02:10:28 am »

Simple, you trigger the same effect to repair armors as previous session and you just need resources from what the item was made out of. It can be a constant value, those resources required, because the amount of repaired % is always the same with high enough repair.

That is balanced by itself, if you have lower repair skill then you will repair less for the same amount of resources. No fucking CD for it, it just promotes more low level repair alts. If someone from higher plains decides to implement that, he just needs to decide on some approximate % of resources required of the items base requirements.

Couldn't be more simple than that.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 02:12:34 am by T-888 »
Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 02:15:11 am »

glumer, keksz and some else, didnt said anything bad on the topic... not toward suggestion not toward current crafting system, I dont remember what they poseted exalcy but nothing  like "this season repair sucks" , I am wonderning why they are deleted


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Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 03:35:18 am »

"this season repair sucks"
True that, I remember last season it was FUN to repair and craft, now it's just,

 "blah, wtf did they do to this shit"' (thats what I thought), I prefer the repairing system from last session though

wierd why all other posts have been deleted?
some mod/gm might of thought it was too "offensive" or what they think it's inappropriate activity
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Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2013, 09:19:41 am »

Just a thought here, but if the cost of repairing items is too low we could see all kinds of damage to the in-game economy. Players can farm faster than they can craft, and if it would only cost something trivial like 3 metal parts to bring a gun up to 100% then merchants could be barter-spammed like never before.


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Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2013, 12:36:40 pm »

Repairing with materials like Besmrtnik explained is good enough. As long as we can fix stuff that is on the ground and don't need to choose which parts we use like now. It just demands way too much clicking.

Parts get consumed automatically and if something is missing there could be a message that said "we require more minerals".

To make it not so boring and perfunctory there could be a little randomness added in the mix:
If a repairable piece is at 50% condition there is a 50% chance that some materials will be used. This means that if you fix a piece that's at 99% condition, there is only 1% chance that you lose materials when fixing it.

About forumulas related to success and repair skill %: all the same. It's just an alt that we level. Personally I wouldn't care if we could perfectly fix gear no matter what our repair skill % was.
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Re: Repair and science mechanics
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2013, 08:39:23 pm »

To make it not so boring and perfunctory there could be a little randomness added in the mix:
If a repairable piece is at 50% condition there is a 50% chance that some materials will be used. This means that if you fix a piece that's at 99% condition, there is only 1% chance that you lose materials when fixing it.

This isn't good, if you could fix your equipment at a 90%-95% success rate without using materials it would seem like you could keep your equipment going forever. Right now it makes more sense to burn up a 40/71% metal armor to repair a 80/100% armor back up to 98/98%. Repair shouldn't be some sort of omniscient ability that beats crafting an item brand new; it should extend the use-life of equipment but still be an inherently lossy process.
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