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Anyone encounter a special map? Come in

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I just encounter a fun map. There is a cave and it said it seems an interesting family.  Got three cross . And u can find sunglasses ,10000caps.etc ,later I will upload screenshots

That's cool.
Sunglasses gives you a +1 PE and "you-don't-shoot-man-with-glasses" perk, which is a bit bugged ATM.

i think you're talking about spectacles? and they're making your pe up to 4 if its lower than 4. there's very few rare encounters.
you're talking about family grave.
you can also find shelter-bunker and crashed howitzer

tanke plasma:
I cant encuenter

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: tanke plasma on January 04, 2013, 03:47:22 pm ---I cant encuenter

--- End quote ---
That's why it's called a *special* encounter.


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