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Account corrupted

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I think my account, ЕТНАП   (Russian characters, TNYFG on English keyboard) has been corrupted. I try and log in and it says:

Connection established...
Database error. Please contact administration.

I might need a rollback, but problem is, I put all my main's stuff on this account last night, because I was 're-creating' my main. I don't know if rolling back will roll back before I got the stuff. If it does, and it's not there, I would have lost it all because my main wouldn't have it either. Keep in mind I can still log in on my main. I had two sets of Combat Armour MKII, an H&K CAWS, a couple grease guns, a Desert Eagle .44, an Assault Rifle, and an M60 plus other odds and ends in my new character's tent. I don't wanna lose all this, so if there is no rollback for when I already acquired the weapons, is there a way to make it not corrupted, but still keep all my items?

Yeah I had the same problem and the GMs said I'm s*** outta luck. Make a new character. My character had a gatling too :(

Edit - WHAAAAAT?!? I just tried to log in to another one of my somewhat new accounts, and its corrupt too!

Re-edit - I tried to create another account with the same username, but it says mine still exists. So the accounts are still there, just inaccessible. Odd.

I think it might be an attack on the server. There has been MAAAAAJOR lag spikes and disconnects the past couple days. I'm also sick of starting over on this game multiple times. :/

Yeah I know man, every 15 minutes the server was down. It's been this way for the last few days.

It's GOTTA be the week that I start playing this game that everything goes straight to hell.


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