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Find a solution to fix fr thoroughly

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brad smalls:
Yet again i say this Proxey was only used for mercs last seassion not 2nd and third waves

Rocket Man:

--- Quote from: brad smalls on December 23, 2012, 02:31:43 am ---Yet again i say this Proxey was only used for mercs last seassion not 2nd and third waves

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This is very true.


--- Quote from: Rocket Man on December 23, 2012, 03:07:45 am ---This is very true.

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Read this and then just write it down on some wooden plank and nail it to your ceiling, wall, floor or yourself so you don't forget of what "truth" are you talking about. I have this feeling that half of the people here don't even know ... what is proxy. You don't need proxy to switch to the 9th character, go read about what kind of dragons I am talking about before you are declaring your "truth."

Proxies aren't usable for waves, unless they are "high quality", in other words bought and not from some websites where these proxies are given away. Percent of players who are using, or have used those kind of proxies is very low and most probably not because of intention to cheat. So, the assumption that players use proxies for waves is incorrect, invalid in all possible ways.

--- Quote from: avv on December 22, 2012, 09:57:00 pm ---Suggest a way to fix pvp fastrelog so that it also affects dual logs and proxies on worldmap but doesn't affect players who don't cheat.

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There is no need to "find" a solution anymore, just lack of people with proper motivation/know-how to do something about it.

To be honest, the best thing you can hope for is that some sort of skill reduction is implemented and we go back to how it was in previous session. If you don't like it, I don't give a fuck anymore, there are better solutions possible, but that is nothing to hope for at least not on 2238. Players can either ask for a worse solution and improve the situation by some margin allowing small cells of players cheat and live with that, or keep on this madness and hope that some perfect solution is implemented, what is going to happen about (hmm let me check statistics of good anti-fast FR features implemented on 2238). I believe it's close to never.

If you think someone, suddenly is going to come up with something amazingly simple and effective that will solve all problems, then you are just naive.

You should ask what you can get, not something of what you can only dream about.

I've been trying to tell this for a long time, now there is only lack of someone trolling me or "oh what yu no like? more alts = better fights" and we will back at zero, talking some bullshit on forum while nothing ever is done about the issue.


--- Quote from: OMFGITSGR1MBANHIMWTF on December 22, 2012, 11:49:39 pm ---I don't get it you guys defend this feature for the past year and now want it changed?

This is something that would have to be programmed in the SDK Client/Server software and I just don't see anybody being able to do that... Old discussion beating a dead horse... Already wrote my ideas feelings and bull shit about why do I even bother replying to these...

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Actually, it hasn't been in for a year...

And why did you reply gr1m, if you say you even bother?

brad smalls:
i herd this that using proxey gives a stupidly high ping is this true?


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