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Goon-Haven maddness
Nice 666 hp
--- Quote from: manero on December 21, 2012, 01:31:20 pm ---It looks like retarded event.
--- End quote ---
Looks like retarded post. Creeps like you can't even handle to play on such server.
Keep playing 2238 with poor choice of weapons and imbalanced character builds.
for me its looks like chaotic npc fight, thoes are really players? ;)
Cyber Jesus:
Nice PvP you can't even see which team is which.
brad smalls:
ammm you can red = shoot green = don't shoot
GH is more about countering other builds such as browing m2 can easily rush and kill naders but are weak vs snipers and Rockets because there is no runing so BGs can't one run up and one hex unless you find away around this
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