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Understanding Followers...

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--- Quote from: Redivivus on December 19, 2012, 07:39:21 pm ---But you can take another additional brahmin for each 2 dogs you have.

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oh yeah, that's right i forget about this one ;)

Party Points are effected by Charisma (10pp/1cha) Speech (1pp/3%speech) and certain perks.  The system is almost solely around PP now, as if you don't have the pp you can't take a brahmin no matter how many dogs or such, and vice/versa.  With things costing what they did it is possible to get 4 followers that are merc or traveler quality if you max out speech and get all the perks for it.  Though if anything has changed in the last month or so then most this math could be wrong since I haven't done much with it.


--- Quote from: Trokanis on December 20, 2012, 12:22:09 pm ---...you can't take a brahmin no matter how many dogs or such...

--- End quote ---
You can take a brahmin even if you are as pretty as fire hydrant. The only problem you'll have is your incapability to move on worldmap with him without beer or mentats. Same goes for 2 slaves (Though not sure if 'Loner' trait affect slaves).

Dogs are 40 PP racoon


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