Other > Faction Announcements

Want to start RP/PVE faction to help new players?

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I love this game and I've been playing since alpha. I led The Hell's Angels briefly before the last wipe, we were small but we liked helping newbies get the hang of things. One thing about this game is that the average gamer, one who may have even played the old Fallouts, get's pk'ed a million times and gives up hope. Let's unite to stop this! I suggest starting a faction dedicated to assisting new players and immersing them in the game (hence RP/PVE) then sending them on their way. If they choose to stay, great! If not, well, enjoy your time in the wastes, join a new faction, whatever!

I believe we should follow a few basic principals.

1) NO PK (any player reported as pking will be immediately dismissed)
2) HELP OUT (if you meet a newbie, offer whatever assistance you can without taking away from their experience)
3) HAVE FUN (The Wasteland is a great place, once you get the hang of it! I love getting wasted in the Maltese Falcon then stumbling over to Iguana Bob's for some chow!)

I know there are a few factions trying to do this, but if we combine forces and spread the word we can expand the fanbase and draw more donations for our overlords, thus improving all of our experience!

Feedback is appreciated!

I recommend you join The Last Light's activities. No point for newbie-helpers to be in separated groups, especially nowadays with such a low population, anyway.

I'm in ! I've just started since an hour, and I've just hated been killed thousand and thousand times by random non friendly encounters, while all I just wanted, was to grow my char. This game is... kinda rough for begginers...
So if a non bad minded person could help me (paranoid, paranoid, pranoid, pranoid...), by any ways he can and wants, it would be a pleasure too meet him IG.
Untill this guy become pixelreal, I'll wait in the Vaultcity !
If you wanna be the guy, PM me and I'll juge if I can trust you.
Moreover I think the JblackeR Idea is a good one, and I only can approve, over a hundred percent, this enterprise.

So play good, play free, have fun, and see ya IG maybe.  ;)

get IRC guys and join #thelastlight channel, ask for help there

or just click this and enter you nickname

Helping people Ey? Well if this ever gets off the ground or you require any assistance doing so personal message me.


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