Other > Events

"Random" encounters.

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If you want to experience something different than old boring npc encounters in your 2238 hunting/leveling/adventures, pm me with following info:
state pm subject as - "Random" encounters.
1 Character name
2 Major factions reputations. Real or wishing to be real (Briefly e/g NCR: Hated ; Enclave: Neutral)
3 Character's actions towards players he meet in random encounters. (I know majority will say that they kos, but still)
4 What type of encounters would you prefer, RP or TB fights (staged pve mostly).
5 Do you travel with other players or not.
6. Time you play, approx. (GMT +0)
7  Additional info you think might be useful.

For now don't pm me if you don't like TB fights
(RT encounters are harder to manage due to situation boiling down to chaos, perhaps in future).

Some info:
This is not necessary RP or Fight only encounters.
You will NOT be warned of encounters happening.
There will be no Freebies.
Encounters happening will be situational. In other words it means for e/g that 1 lvl bluesuit will not meet 24 lvl deathsquad. However it might be possible for big group to meet lone bandit.
It will be possible to obtain lewts from hostile encounters (from low to ncr army/vc patrol/unity level).
It is not yet decided if it is possible to obtain loot from RP encounters.
Loot encounters will be rare.
Sometimes instead of meeting "random" encounter, your current encounter might be enchanced for this.
Your request for participation can be rejected with no answer.

Write your suggestions/questions/feedback here
I will answer them if it doesn't spoil encounters idea.

Would you be a trader(merchant) at the time too?


--- Quote from: Alexandrite on December 15, 2012, 04:51:37 pm ---Would you be a trader(merchant) at the time too?

--- End quote ---
You mean "Is it possible to meet merchant as 'random' encounter?"
If so then yes. But it won't be your normal caravan encounter.

I got one:

T'was fun, makes me wonder if anyone would do this peacefully like I did though, especially in the part where i had to give the schorcher and turbo back :P

very nice :>


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