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THQ giving Metro 2033 for free

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Cyber Jesus:

--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on December 15, 2012, 07:24:24 pm ---I played it on realistic(?) and ended up with no more gas mask filters on the part where you're outside for the first time, no other savegames... rage-deinstall.
Otherwise good game, when I'm in the mood I'll reinstall it someday and make a savegame every 30 min...

--- End quote ---
Or maybe you could have just downloaded a savegame with gas mask filters?

Read the books, read the fiction, played the game and Lexx is right, this should have been a RPG.

A Fallout-style one.

-Max Payne-:
This game is the awesome's solo game who i have playing you can trust me this is a fucking good game!

This thing ate my GPU and shat it out at first I only had 1 Frame per 5 seconds lol then I lowered all the settings maybe 5 frames per seconds.

This shit is like crysis hungry....  Thankfully I bought a new computer and have a GTX 260 waiting to be installed on it when it gets here.

I pity the fool who plays this on an integrated GPU :D.

Seriously? I did the english localization for it and our testing pcs were garbage and it ran smooth.


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