Other > Events

San Francisco Apocalypse Event

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ehm will pete have tons of hp?

This looks awesome! I just started playing again cca. two weeks ago after a long break, especially cuz I've been hoping/expecting some nice special events around the 21.12., nice to see I've been right. I'd really love to participate in this one, preferably on the Glowing Pete's Pirates side!
now for my on topic question - Does this mean, that if the pirates win this event, the tanker will permanently disappear from SF? :P


--- Quote from: Gimper on December 16, 2012, 05:50:18 am ---ehm will pete have tons of hp?
--- End quote ---

He will have more than a standard player characters, but not "tons".

--- Quote from: Vincenzo on December 16, 2012, 06:06:16 am ---Does this mean, that if the pirates win this event, the tanker will permanently disappear from SF? :P
--- End quote ---

I thought about it but, sadly majority of 2238 players goes apeshit when anything
changes in their daily routines. So no.

if anything goes smoothly this gona be one of the best events.nice thought jov   ;D

gl & hf


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