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Big guns and Drugs

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i would change Even tougher for Lifegiver+/More crit/Better crit

I have a crit build and a double shot build, crits are nice but rare. Realistically you'll have 20% crit, armour and man of steel completely negate this. So this is 2 perks used for 1 in 10 shots at best, almost nil against a real target. Getting 2 shots off doubles your damage output every time and is more likely to succeed. Finesse and bg don't mix, anyone with 10 luck is pretty much invulnerable to you.

i've got some noob question: how "fast shot" trait aplies, if it does, to burst fire, i mean the +5 bonus dmg, does it work and if so it adds +5 to each bullet or to overal dmg:?

It adds the +5 damage to the whole burst, not per bullet like Bonus Range Damage.


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