Other > General Game Discussion
Downloading data\faction.zip.
its stuck downloading this how do i get it?????
It is in a pre-packaged download here: www.fonline2238.net/files/FOnline2238_Client.zip
This what I suggest because they're are probably other things you will have trouble downloading, too.
faction.zip by itself: http://fonline2238.net/update/data/faction.zip Put it in data folder.
heey, this guy back from jail I guess
yeah... also now eveyr button says error how do i fix that
It wouldn't be FOnline if making client run wouldn't be PITA every now and then.
Get this client: http://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,22146.0.html
Put it in clean folder.
Set up paths to master/critter and run updater. Everything should run as it should.
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