Other > General Game Discussion

Requesting a ban for Vile (player in-game name)

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I agree, I personally hate this guy. He is in NCR all-day-long complaining about GM's, Dev's and players. Giving out false information to newbies, being down-right disgusting and realistically, everytime I enter NCR and he is there, I just bloody leave.


--- Quote from: Alexandrite on December 09, 2012, 12:54:14 am ---Who said I was whiny?

--- End quote ---
I was mostly talking to the others.  hence 'yall'.

People in this thread need to grow the fuck up.

Wasn't it the funny person in NCR who failed 4 times to assasinate me after having a beautiful coversation about My Little Pony and about God with him?

If yes, he's pretty bad at this 'cyber bullying', he had no words, no arguments ... after a while.

I was doing some hefty NCR idling earlier today and I saw (who i think was vile) talking to grey about raping her and what not. Also, anytime vile sees me he's always like "oh look Gimper the fag" or some childish insults. It's not that it bothers me personally its just very very VERY annoying. I'm with Grey, PULL OUT THE BAN HAMMER!!!

NCR drama.. Lovely.


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