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PvP loot to the not so deserving
--- Quote from: Gunstar on December 08, 2012, 06:00:10 am ---I could tell you how to bypass this right away, VM ware or any virtualization program. When I was playing multi theft auto with some of the former chosen soldiers, they have this type of security where its nearly impossible to bypass a ban because it has a serial generated based on your NIC's indentifier. 2 ways to bypass it would be to spoof your mac address or install VMware which creates a virtual identifier and it makes the connection think its authentic. But really how many of these guys would know how to use VMware or to find some kiddy script that changes your NIC's mac address? But there would be some who could and would figure this out becuase they can't play any other way they just have to have that advantage overs to win at a 100 player game.
Its a fantasy at this point and would be better if they just put a 30s-1 minute relog timer and baby sit on GM accounts for those who don't wish to comply with the rules. And remove ability to connect on HTTP/SOCKS proxy protocol. I mean its more practical to just put a relog timer and baby sit, then trying to think up of some anti-cheat unique identifier shenanigan that would block any possibility to bypass the timer or to block connecting on a sandboxy window or on a virtual box. They can barely handle programing brahmin shit what makes you think they could program something like this?
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Am not going to argue because I don't really care but I use vmwar, virtual pc, and whatever the one from oracle is. You have an image you can clone but the windows install has a unique identifier tied to the installation as one approach, other tell tale signs are multiple instances from the same net address. Other things you could check are hd serials, cpu serials etc,. The ability for ameteaur programmers to implement these solutions is rather well....... yeah..... Oh well.
--- Quote from: TKs-KaBoom on December 08, 2012, 06:40:21 am ---Am not going to argue because I don't really care but I use vmwar, virtual pc, and whatever the one from oracle is. You have an image you can clone but the windows install has a unique identifier tied to the installation as one approach, other tell tale signs are multiple instances from the same net address. Other things you could check are hd serials, cpu serials etc,. The ability for ameteaur programmers to implement these solutions is rather well....... yeah..... Oh well.
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I won't argue as I am not a video game programmer just some guy who studied computer networking in college. But I am more talking about bypassing an ip address ban along with what they called a "serial ban" which was a random algorithm which created a jibberish combo of letters and words which was based on a network card identifier. Although in this game there wasn't the constant need to keep creating a new account, this was mostly done in this game because of the constant cheaters bypassing bans.
Maybe the russians who made the SDK could program something like this as they probably programmed most of the computer networking code for it to function as a client / server type of thing. I think they could program some sort of serial algorithm that creates a random serial number such as that in multi theft auto. (this game is also similar to this game it is san andreas multiplayer game made for PC, game was not intended for multiplayer). But you have this serial generated on the client end, and gets authenticated on the server end, and it is very difficult to spoof or change for average PC user.
But yes realistically 2238 team trying to do something like this dot dot dot well dot dot dot yeah dot dot dot
I think it's funny how you all are getting on this guys case when he brings up a very valid point. The fact that it may have been mentioned in the past does NOT in any way make his point any less important or noteworthy. In fact since it is an ongoing issue it merits much MORE attention. Now I know that since this involves taking away something from the PvP apes people are going to sh%t themselves sideways crying and fighting against it because nothing should ever be taken away from them. I do not believe hoping for a more fair system when it comes to pvp is 'Expecting something from the devs who don't get paid.' I think it's a reasonable expectation of any good game. Yes the Dev's do not get paid, but I do believe they are trying to make a playable fun game here. Fast relog is an issue and has been in many aspects of the game, and used in this fashion is just shy of an exploit, since it drastically changes the game play.
Some of you may have forgotten in an open beta we are play testers along with being players, we play this free game to help test it out and bring up things that could be better, need to be fixed, or address other issues in game. You guys seem to miss that we're trying to get closer to some form of end product, I don't expect a polished game with a box and nifty artwork, but before many of the dev's walked away they actually wanted feedback to help fix the game. You are all so focused on keeping what little ways you have of doing things, that you don't care if the rest of the game can't stand on one leg, so long as you have your easy modes. These is no one thing wrong right now in game, and no one big fix, but to attack someone for having a different view is really sad. I have stuck with this game for quite sometime, I still have hope that some of the dev's still feel the spark that most of this forum community tries their best to stamp out, and continue working on this game. It has so much potential that keeps getting hidden behind players afraid of change.
And Gun this is how it is to anyone with some form of reasonable issue or idea. The best you can do is say your peace and hope that a Dev can see through all the whining replies.
I won't deny the effects fast relogs have in pvp. But if we didn't have fastrelogs, the first team inside would be in big disadvantage because the enemy can scout and troll them freely while keeping its troops on worldmap. When there's a gap in defenses, the worldmap team spawns. Maps have multiple entrances and many directions where the enemy might come and it's impossible to spare sneaks everywhere, unless with dual log.
--- Quote from: avv on December 08, 2012, 10:58:40 am ---I won't deny the effects fast relogs have in pvp. But if we didn't have fastrelogs, the first team inside would be in big disadvantage because the enemy can scout and troll them freely while keeping its troops on worldmap. When there's a gap in defenses, the worldmap team spawns. Maps have multiple entrances and many directions where the enemy might come and it's impossible to spare sneaks everywhere, unless with dual log.
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You died on your big gunner, relogged to a sniper to enter on 2nd wave of fast relog, and it was really quick we didn't even have a chance to exit with your loot. This is getting really really fucking old. Your gear belonged in my tent and base, not back in yours with even more stuff than what you entered with becuase you died to a knock out. This is the reason why this game is shit and why you and allies will not complain about anything because your all full of shit and happy pissing us all off with your stupid fucking exploiting and abusing fast relog.
But beside the point this is getting really aggrevitating and do you not hate this shit when its done to you? Because this game is starting to get really aggrevitating and my patience is wearing very thin with it because of things like advance work benches, resources depleted, fast relog, the constant regearing and farming because of people like you who do not deserve any loot for dying in PvP.
Just face it AVV you can justify yourself all you want but its still a aggrevitating game but no I guess not for you, you get your gear back plus more every time you die in a PvP fight why should you be mad and not write rage posts? You invented fast relog tactics you and kuma were the first who sent in 20 waves of characters with gatling lasers or do you not remember this. The usual denial corporate bull shit as usual to make yourself look like the good guy.
CoA and BBS alliance didn't fast relog at reno, please.
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