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What BluePrints are missing? and why?
From what I remember. BA was supposed to be gained only from some NPC faction through some faction points (I'm guessing same nonsense for CAmk2, Developer is developer, Solar is Solar, but I prefer the developer), Avenger was supposed to be some ultra rare weapon, so that mostly you'd see miniguns around. Crafting/Trader table simply wasn't finished, along with the availability of certain resources required to craft items, HQ stuff.
I used to think that devs added not all things at once to keep players interested in game. You know, all blueprints will be available near next wipe.
Providing the players will still be there. But hey what i'm saying. There are addicts, logging every since and then to maintain stuff they have.
--- Quote from: Killer Rabbit on December 06, 2012, 11:54:04 am ---Avengers and gatlings wont be craftable.
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Avenger was craftable in previous seasons, not even asking for gatlings to be craftable just a balance on farming vs crafting.
--- Quote from: chocolate_chip_cookies on December 06, 2012, 12:20:58 pm ---Psycho BP is obtainable, I ate one. It requires 4 chem component 5 HQ chem component and bio med gel.
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I'd appreciate a screenshot of it on the fixboy if you could, been hunting for that bp since season start.
--- Quote from: Vile on December 06, 2012, 12:39:22 pm ---If you feel frustrated, imagine how I felt when I bought BGsmith at season's start planning to go powerlevel properly with Improved flamer, only to find out that IMPF's and its MKII isn't craftable from scratch anymore and requires BPs. Then you can imagine how the frustration grew indefinitely, turning into pure rage over time, when after a month or so I found out that improved flamer and MKII fuel BP is a mythological artifact that is as real as unicorns.You for real ? There are actual masochists in fonline !
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not to piss in the wound that is your frustration, if you didn't know they fixed up impflamer by putting in a blueprint and added MKII fuel to the BGsmith list a while ago :/
I just like doing it because i can sit back watch tv or movies and its easy to walk away from at a moments notice, none of that I'm in the middle of a fight i need 5 minutes argggggg and no need for a group :)
--- Quote from: Horatio on December 06, 2012, 01:02:40 pm ---next wipe
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Next Wipe, I heard next Wipe is at 1. January. Some friend told me who heard from another friends, friend.
--- Quote from: T-888 on December 06, 2012, 01:06:08 pm ---Next wipe, I heard next Wipe is at 1. January. Some friend told me who heard from another friends, friend.
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That friend who told me that prewipe madness starts on 21 December? Or was it just BANG, "nick or password wrong"?
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