FOnline Development > General Discussion

FOnlineServer with Mono

<< < (4/11) > >>

you mean that one from "\fonline_sdk\Server\mono" ?
I'm using exacly that one.

I didnt saw that im using 385 rev.
like you said .I downloaded earlier version of that file and it is working now , big thanks to You :)

Are there any performance drawbacks when using C# for development?

Unless there are some unintended memory leaks, then performance should be even better, as AngelScript (as it stands now) is not yet JITted, and the bytecode is interpreted as it goes.

That's nice to hear, thanks. :)

Do you plan to update FOnlineServer.exe to be compatible with the latest revision? Current version of mono server is 0504-EB, but the newest revision server has version 0518-F7.

Actually, currently I cannot even start the server as it crashes right after Start (and I also tried 383 revision of mono-2.0.dll).
My bad, I forgot to build the project. I "only" have compilation errors because of incompatibility.

And some additional questions:
1. Is it possible to create linux runnable of mono FOnlineServer and use it?
2. Would it be possible to implement also PlaneBegin, PlaneRun and PlaneEnd CRITTER_EVENTS? I understand that it is needed to do some work on engine to call them otherwise I would implement them by myself.


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