FOnline Development > General Discussion

FOnlineServer with Mono

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Well, but if you are talking about IDE, you would probably want to check if there is mono soft debugger plugin for it, otherwise you won't be able to debug your code in it (and I think debugging is significant part of IDE functionality).

Code completion, refactoring and debugging, for sure. Thanks, I'll have a look.

Mr Feltzer:
Oh this sort of Debugging method would have been very helpful a long time ago. Still, Notepad++ has grown on me..

I cant get it working .After " Initializing mono" it crashes.

--- Code: ---[00:038] FOnline server, version 0504-EB.
[01:621] ***   Starting initialization   ****
[01:630] Initializing mono...
--- End code ---
I tried it on newest downloaded sdk. I did it like you said in first post.
I replaced .exe and .pdb files
I added in .cfg:

--- Code: ---MonoEnabled=1
--- End code ---
and i built solution file (with some warnings) in visual studio 2012
additionally i had to copy from mono dir file mono-2.0.dll otherwise server wont start
Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong?
I can give you dumps if needed.

(windows 7 x64)

I think there is problem with latest mono-2.0.dll, could you try with one from rev383?


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