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What if ...
--- Quote from: foonlinecurious on December 17, 2012, 07:08:47 pm ---for the purposes of preventing fast relog in pvp TC
maybe it can just prevent fast log after you have been killed by a player in a TC event, and then do your check for token thing?
Is that hard to program?
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There would be no need for that, the token could be tied to combat timeout and player who initializes it would have a CD to re-log or just some sort of skill penalty and it would work everywhere, not just TC. So, that guy you killed in Reno or in Gecko mine couldn't come and apply pain on your ass instantly once he is dead with some alt.
If it would be simple, it would be implemented long ago, I refuse to believe that nobody else has thought about it, anyway it's not my idea. Just requires specific know-how, from what I heard.
--- Quote from: codave on December 17, 2012, 06:37:40 pm ---It makes no sense that my 251% Small Gun sniper cannot maintain his weapon without a completely seperate skill. If the SG skill was incorporated into the repair skill in some way when applied to weapons repaired in the small gun class only, it might alleviate the need for some (not all) players to have a dedicated repair alt for maintaining weapons.
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I have to say, very good idea.
Talking about Repair, Science, recently I had the idea how to decrease the need of those kind of one purpose alts, even more. I remembered that once a player can't doctor himself, he can either ask a player or use some sort of doctor services in towns and nobody is forced to alt. I thought hey, why not do the same thing for Repair and Science. Bring equipment to a trader who offers such luxury with a simple dialog of something like "I have equipment to disassemble/to repair, do you provide such service?", so you have some fancy option to chose a single item, target a certain group of items, or apply that to all items in inventory. Each % of item to repair could cost like 0.025% of base value for that particular item, most probably even less if you look at how most items look after combat or those farmed from encounters. Repairing as an alternative could also cost only raw material and the trader/service provider would ask very, very small fee. Disassembling items work in a similar fashion, the cost might as well depend on base value of the item or condition or both.
So, you could bring large portion of items and repair them at once, or disassemble, making the need of an special alt for that only secondary, alleviating the need so to speak.
Mike Crosser:
Not a bad idea T-888.
A repair NPC that repairs your currently equipped armor or weapon for a fee would be a nice thing to have.
I know most of what I posted was a bad idea, but it jumpstarted thread with good ideas.
Another idea is for mine foremen to have a drug that can only be directly taken, cant buy and put into inventory. For a price someone can greatly boost CW, 100% addiction chance and addiction fades away in usual time. Drug would lower damage resistance and PE. Addiction and downsides are so PVP looters are more disadvantaged.
The token limit combined with relog times wouldn't be bad either. I know plenty of people who got along just fine with less than 5 characters in previous wipes, that was Crafting, Gathering, Repairing, and Combat. Heck even if you want to limit it to 1 character there was a beautiful suggestion about bringing books back in for non-combat skills like repair and such, they wouldn't max you out, but getting to the 100% needed for most things wouldn't be hard on 1 character, if they put back in the Tag perk at level 12 even that would help. This season is the worst when it comes to the need for multiple characters, and truthfully the other seasons did ok without having 12 alts. I think it would seriously help clean up TC too, so that people could actually fight people, rather than just a swarm of alts and mercs. (though there will always be mercs)
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