FOnline Development > 3D Development

[TUTORIAL] Importing models for Items/Weapons into the game.

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--- Code: --- Value 478 Attach MISC_holotape.x Texture 0 MISC_holotape.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.05
 Value 253 Attach MISC_fuel_cell_controller.x Texture 0 MISC_fuel_cell_controller.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.4
 Value 254 Attach MISC_fuel_cell_regulator.x Texture 0 MISC_fuel_cell_regulator.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1
 Value 454 Attach MISC_explosive_switch.x Texture 0 MISC_explosive_switch.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.065
 Value 411 Attach MISC_electronic_lockpick_mk2.x Texture 0 MISC_electronic_lockpick_mk2.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.5
 Value 207 Attach MISC_geiger_counter.x Texture 0 MISC_geiger_counter.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.25
 Value 59 Attach MISC_motion_sensor.x Texture 0 MISC_motion_sensor.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.5

--- End code ---

Download link

Pile of wood and single piece of it.

--- Code: ---Value 286 Attach MI_PileOfWood.x Texture 0 ITEM_PileOfWood.png Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.7 MoveX 5 MoveZ -5 RotX -90 RotZ -110
Value ? Attach MI_SingleWood.x Texture 0 ITEM_PileOfWood.png Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.7 MoveX 3 MoveZ 1 RotX -90 RotZ -110 RotY 180

--- End code ---

Jotisz, it looks like you forgot to put a download link in there.

Anyway, here's some stuff I did lately.

--- Code: --- Value 519 Attach MISC_bottle_caps.x Texture 0 MISC_bottle_caps.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.8
 Value 41 Attach MISC_bottle_caps.x Texture 0 MISC_gold_money.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.8
 Value 538 Attach MISC_metal_tube.x Texture 0 MISC_metal_tube.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.18
 Value 420 Attach MISC_kokoweef_mine_creep.x Texture 0 MISC_kokoweef_mine_creep.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.5
 Value 431 Attach MISC_geck.x Texture 0 MISC_metal_case.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.7
 Value 460 Attach MISC_bucket.x Texture 0 MISC_bucket.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.23
 Value 461 Attach MISC_bucket.x Texture 0 MISC_alloys.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.23
 Value 462 Attach MISC_super_burn_mix.x Texture 0 MISC_super_burn_mix.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.23
 Value 318 Attach MISC_poison_hypo.x Texture 0 MISC_empty_hypo.tga Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.18
 Value 257 Attach MISC_gold_watch.x Texture 0 MISC_gold_watch.tga Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.15
 Value 363 Attach AMMO_762mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_762mm.tga Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.7
 Value 121 Attach AMMO_9mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_9mm.tga Link R_Handle_1  Scale 0.17
 Value 95 Attach AMMO_12ga.x Texture 0 AMMO_12ga.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.7
 Value 33 Attach AMMO_14mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_14mm.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.3
 Value 31 Attach AMMO_44mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_44jhp.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.25
 Value 111 Attach AMMO_44mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_44fmj.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.25
 Value 357 Attach AMMO_45mm.x Texture 0 AMMO_45mm.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.8
 Value 34 Attach AMMO_223.x Texture 0 AMMO_223.tga  Link R_Handle_1 Scale 5
 Value 358 Attach AMMO_gauss.x Texture 0 AMMO_gauss.tga  Link R_Handle_1 Scale 7
 Value 361 Attach AMMO_needler.x Texture 0 AMMO_needler.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.2
 Value 362 Attach AMMO_needler.x Texture 0 AMMO_needlerap.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.2
 Value 32 Attach AMMO_flamer_fuel.x Texture 0 MISC_flamer_fuel.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 11
 Value 382 Attach AMMO_flamer_fuel.x Texture 0 MISC_flamer_fuel_mk2.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 11
 Value 38 Attach AMMO_small_energy_cell.x Texture 0 AMMO_small_energy_cell.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.3
 Value 39 Attach AMMO_micro_fusion_cell.x Texture 0 AMMO_micro_fusion_cell.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 3.5
 Value 163 Attach AMMO_bbs.x Texture 0 AMMO_bbs.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 6
 Value 14 Attach AMMO_rocket.x Texture 0 AMMO_rocket_xpl.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.12
 Value 37 Attach AMMO_rocket_ap.x Texture 0 AMMO_rocket_ap.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.12

--- End code ---

Download link

I was going to make all ammo, but it suddenly appeared that I have no model nor texture for the 4.7mm Caseless, just some pictures. If someone have it still - please send me a copy.

Remaining ammo models would probably require a 2-handed carry animation (or maybe I'll try to make corrections for it later).

P.S. Waiting for your works, guys.


--- Quote ---Jotisz, it looks like you forgot to put a download link in there.
--- End quote ---
Sorry about that here is the link.

I should really get this sped up a bit will try to make a few other items tomorrow.

A few more things has been done.

--- Code: --- Value 258 Attach MISC_hydroelectric_part.x Texture 0 MISC_hydroelectric_part.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.3
 Value 464 Attach MISC_bug.x Texture 0 MISC_bug.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.1
 Value 419 Attach MISC_air_purifier.x Texture 0 MISC_air_purifier.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 40
 Value 307 Attach MISC_plasma_transformer.x Texture 0 MISC_plasma_transformer.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.15
 Value 229 Attach MISC_small_piece_of_machinery.x Texture 0 MISC_small_piece_of_machinery.tga  Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.15
 Value 356 Attach MISC_computer_voice_module.x Texture 0 MISC_computer_voice_module.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.15
 Value 422 Attach MISC_excavator_chip.x Texture 0 MISC_excavator_chip.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.15
 Value 479 Attach MISC_navcomp_parts.x Texture 0 MISC_navcomp_parts.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 2
 Value 467 Attach MISC_magnetic_field_targeting_system.x Texture 0 MISC_magnetic_field_targeting_system.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 60
 Value 472 Attach MISC_improved_capaciator_battery.x Texture 0 MISC_improved_capaciator_battery.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.07
 Value 477 Attach MISC_upgraded_power_servos.x Texture 0 MISC_upgraded_power_servos.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 4
 Value 490 Attach MISC_laser_pointer.x Texture 0 MISC_laser_pointer.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.2
 Value 493 Attach MISC_turbo_plasma_capaciator.x Texture 0 MISC_turbo_plasma_capaciator.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 3.5
 Value 302 Attach MISC_sniper_scope.x Texture 0 MISC_sniper_scope.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.25
 Value 164 Attach MISC_laser_extended_battery.x Texture 0 MISC_laser_extended_battery.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 3
 Value 165 Attach MISC_fibers.x Texture 0 MISC_fibers.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.4
 Value 166 Attach MISC_tobacco.x Texture 0 MISC_tobacco.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.4
 Value 449 Attach MISC_brahmin_hide.x Texture 0 MISC_brahmin_hide.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.35

--- End code ---

Download link

Out of curiosity - how much time it takes for you to import a model? For me it's about 5-10 minutes per model. How about your results? (this is to everyone, who were importing things into the game).


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