FOnline Development > 3D Development
[TUTORIAL] Importing models for Items/Weapons into the game.
A lot of items has been done today. I was aimed to finish all weapons, but there was some issue with the power fist model, that doesn't work for me and crashes client or doesn't show the model in game. Other than that - the weapons section is almost done.
--- Code: ---Value 425 Attach WP_wakizashi_blade.x Texture 0 ITEM_wakizashi_blade.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 3
Value 233 Attach WP_turbo_plasma_rifle.x Texture 0 ITEM_turbo_plasma_rifle.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.23 RotY -90
Value 45 Attach WP_throwing_knife.x Texture 0 ITEM_throwing_knife.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.035
Value 234 Attach wp_2knuckles.x Texture 0 ITEM_spiked_knuckes.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.35
Value 7 Attach WP_spear.x Texture 0 ITEM_spear.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 50 RotY 180 RotX 6 MoveX 3 MoveY -4
Value 320 Attach WP_pole.x Texture 0 ITEM_sharpened_pole.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 3 RotY 180 RotX 6 MoveX 3 MoveY -4
Value 280 Attach WP_spear.x Texture 0 ITEM_spear2.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 50 RotY 180 RotX 6 MoveX 3 MoveY -4
Value 383 Attach WP_shiv.x Texture 0 ITEM_shiv.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 2
Value 423 Attach WP_Rock.x Texture 0 ITEM_gold_nugget.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 50
Value 397 Attach WP_pulse_rifle.x Texture 0 ITEM_pulse_rifle.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1 RotY -75 RotZ -10 MoveX 2
Value 85 Attach WP_plastic_explosives.x Texture 0 ITEM_plastic_explosives.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.2 RotX 90 RotY 90
Value 365 Attach WP_plant_spike.x Texture 0 ITEM_plant_spike.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.5
Value 28 Attach WP_gattling_laser.x Texture 0 ITEM_gattling_laser.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.1
Value 21 Attach WP_brassknuckles.x Texture 0 ITEM_brassknuckles.jpg Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.35
--- End code ---
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Mike Crosser:
Excuse me but that gatling laser is waaaaay to small.
This is going fast.
Graf, I have different models already for the spear and the Gatling laser. I made the first one because that piece of cloth on the spear had to be animated. The Gatling I used was made by LagMaster, and he asked me to texture it. They look like this.
That is sweet :)
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