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Need help with Fallout online 2238


I'm having trouble connecting to the server, i got the server right and it connecting but it keeps saying "connection established, Authorization....." i think im supposed to enter a password or something, but there is no visible place to type it in.... Any help, suggestions? maybe a walk-through of how to get into a server?

Try client from here http://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,22146.0.html

In main menu you have to click REGISTRATION and make a character. In character creation screen click empty field in top left corner to choose name and password for the character. Spend char points and tag skills, choose traits (optionally). Click done. Then you should be able to login, if the name wasn't taken already.

i know, i already did that, and when i try to join the server it says "connection established...authorization...."

Mike Crosser:
Perhaps the server is off?


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