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Why do Players in older games...
1. Get older.
2. Say that you are 12 years old.
3. If an "adult" says he would like to punch your face, agree and meet with him in real life.
4. When he sees that you actually aren't 12 year old but in fact someone manly, make him suffer.
5. "Adult" person gets his lesson.
Nah, just kidding but I totally feel you. I somehow look at younger gamers without much hope, but hey, I give them a chance. I had this kid in a clan of one game I was playing. We mostly were like 16-24 years old but there was one this guy that was only 13. At first I was like "Wtf is this kid doing in this game? Like, it requires teamwork, kids don't do that in games". Soon enough I realized that he is actually a cool guy, he played nicely, didn't rage like some kids and aside from the annoying voice that all kids have over the microphone, I actually enjoyed playing with him. It's better that you just ignore these guys that think they are so elite, that they are mature enough to play video games. It's not the age what matters, it's the person.
Because no matter how old you get people are immature retards. Sorry you had to find out here.
Just the way of the world. I guess these younger kids are pampered too much they have all this anti-bullying initives, taught to be tolerent, all this new age parenting where parents are more so friends than an authoritive figure in the house hold.
Look people are more brave to saying mean things over the internet because there is no conquences that what you say may make somebody snap and start a fight. Its pretty easy to hide behind a computer miles away to say something you may or may not say to somebody who is 2 feet away from you.
I mean its really a hard question to answer its just the way the world is, maybe people forget we get away from our true beings of behing hunter and gathers, the world was a much more vicious place where you could be eaten alive by vicious animals. And this is maybe where anger and being vicious was something needed to survive. The world is not as friendly as it seems, people are not all that trusting as they appear. It just comes with wisdom that there are good kind people and there are mean spirited who are out to harm peoples feelings or inflict violence. I mean just look at nature there are animals who just sit around eat plants mind their own business then there are carnivores which are vicious mean and are out to kill to eat and survive.
You know when I was 13 first time ever on the internet to play my first multiplayer game back when everything was just dial up, people treated me the same way called me a dumb kid wrote nasty things talked about adult oriented stuff. All you can really do is ignore these type of people or try to harden up deal with it and fight back but this well usually get you into trouble in a lot of situations.
As for adults they are probably stressed out from work worring about finances, have kids to worry about or have issues of their own from their childhood, or other problems they are dealing with. With age comes wisdom and there is nothing more irritating to an adult than a kid trying to tell them the way it is.
Its wishful thinking and naive to expect the world to be a peaceful disneyland fairytale it would be nice if it was, but don't forget there is 2 sides to every coin, for every good there must be bad its all in the balance of life.
--- Quote from: Boomshire on November 25, 2012, 11:59:15 pm ---Just the way of the world. I guess these younger kids are pampered too much they have all this anti-bullying initives, taught to be tolerent, all this new age parenting where parents are more so friends than an authoritive figure in the house hold.
Look people are more brave to saying mean things over the internet because there is no conquences that what you say may make somebody snap and start a fight. Its pretty easy to hide behind a computer miles away to say something you may or may not say to somebody who is 2 feet away from you.
I mean its really a hard question to answer its just the way the world is, maybe people forget we get away from our true beings of behing hunter and gathers, the world was a much more vicious place where you could be eaten alive by vicious animals. And this is maybe where anger and being vicious was something needed to survive. The world is not as friendly as it seems, people are not all that trusting as they appear. It just comes with wisdom that there are good kind people and there are mean spirited who are out to harm peoples feelings or inflict violence. I mean just look at nature there are animals who just sit around eat plants mind their own business then there are carnivores which are vicious mean and are out to kill to eat and survive.
You know when I was 13 first time ever on the internet to play my first multiplayer game back when everything was just dial up, people treated me the same way called me a dumb kid wrote nasty things talked about adult oriented stuff. All you can really do is ignore these type of people or try to harden up deal with it and fight back but this well usually get you into trouble in a lot of situations.
As for adults they are probably stressed out from work worring about finances, have kids to worry about or have issues of their own from their childhood, or other problems they are dealing with. With age comes wisdom and there is nothing more irritating to an adult than a kid trying to tell them the way it is.
Its wishful thinking and naive to expect the world to be a peaceful disneyland fairytale it would be nice if it was, but don't forget there is 2 sides to every coin, for every good there must be bad its all in the balance of life.
--- End quote ---
"go back to play cod blackcocks niqqer"
Wisdom? How is me saying I am 15 "Telling them how it is" but I do get what your trying to say Boomshire and I can just imagine how stressful work and bills can be let alone having kids of your own can be. And your right, alot of kids my age are total bastards. I personally don't consider myself no freaking sob story but we got forclosed on 9 months ago and we had to start renting so I can assure you I ain't no pampered pain in the arse. Also for all those who tell me to go play COD like a good little kid, I can't. I don't got no 200$ console and this computer can barely run Fonline so suck it.
Why do you even tell them your age ? l2internetz, you can be any age there...
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