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Why do Players in older games...
Question: When I player older games (I am 15) that have multi-player function, when I tell other players my age they 90% of the time become hostile. I've had so many damn slur's thrown at me I just had to make a list...
"Mommy know your playing this kid?"
"gtfo of my game kid"
"go back to play cod blackcocks niqqer"
"fuking kids in my game?"
"time for a lesson in reality kid"
"lets show this fuck what realities like"
... and the strange thing is that most of these people are in there 20's - 30's and they seem to REALLY want to teach me a lesson in reality. Strangely I've never had someone shoot me with a assault rifle or stab me with a sword for telling them I was only 15. Now I was hoping to get an answer as to why the heck do people get so hostile when I tell them this? a third of these people were on totally friendly terms with me when I told them and they still got pissed. Any idea's on why they get so damn angry? I'm not here to rage but I'd really just like to know why?
They gonna feel more older,experienced and REAL ADULTS(!!)
--- Quote from: Keksz on November 25, 2012, 10:12:28 pm ---They gonna feel more older,experienced and REAL ADULTS(!!)
--- End quote ---
To call these asshole's adults is an insult to REAL ADULTS. I mean if it was real life and they were actually trying to teach me something I'd be fine with it. But I play video games for fun, not to have to listen to some dude rant for 15 minutes about whats wrong with kids these days and how Facebook has destroyed social interaction (I seriously don't have a Facebook account)
Adults haven't always grown up, sometimes they just take their adolescent bullshit to a different venue.
We call those people "assholes", and it sounds like you met a few.
The internet is a giant retardation amplifier as well, so there's that to consider.
Don't sweat it man.
People being rude over internet. Nothing new.
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