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--- Quote from: Lexx on November 25, 2012, 04:54:15 pm ---Your question dodger skill increased again, btw.

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There wasn't anything aside from assholish statements in your posts addressed to me, sorry. The hilarious part is you're trying to attack me in various ways completely ignoring the point I made, which was that the 2238 project is lacking any direction since it began and that's why all the updates are failing and all those people are angry. If you weren't such an arrogant, egocentric troll you could turn this sort of criticism into something constructive, but you're pushing for forum PvP instead. I consider this discussion concluded, if you want to boost your ego by writing silly stuff about me, my work or the community feel free to do so, but I'd suggest going to a shrink with the issues you seem to have instead.

I am not trying to attack you in any kind of way other than that you are but a talker right now.

And your criticism is "60 seconds are perfect, everything else is bad, because" yeah, that's what one can work with. I asked for a detailed explanations to that, because I had nothing to do with the change and related stuff and I can't see why exactly 20 seconds or 120 seconds would be bad, but 60 seconds not, and all I got was nonsense and "it is your fault." Great. Really helpful.


--- Quote from: Lexx on November 25, 2012, 05:04:02 pm ---I am not trying to attack you in any kind of way other than that you are but a talker right now.

And your criticism is "60 seconds are perfect, everything else is bad, because" yeah, that's what one can work with. I asked for a detailed explanations to that, because I had nothing to do with the change and related stuff, and all I got was nonsense and "it is your fault." Great. Really helpful.

--- End quote ---
I'm beginning to think that you might have a slight problem with reading comprehension, because I didn't even say that 60 seconds is good or bad, I just said that this update was SO RANDUM xD.

Oh, and yeah, I'm the talker. Where's your Cathedral Lexx? Because mine is sitting there on 2155 closed beta, waiting to be populated by the NPCs I write.

I am sorry that I confused you with Kilgore, who said that 60 seconds are perfect. Often you two are pretty much the same to me and as I have avatars and signatures disabled, I am not looking at fancy pictures.

My Cathedral - by the way - was put on halt years ago. I had the idea, but never said that I will finish it (I am not good with graphics anyway, never was). In fact, someone else offered help in finishing it, but then wanished with doing nothing but taking my motivation to work on it (due to his great graphics, which mine couldn't hold up with). Also I am not housing with my Cathedral. Up until now I even totally forgot about it. So bringing this up as an argument for me being a talker is quite low.

Going for another POPCORN


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