Just wanted to say I do not think this is re-enabled...
This doesn't improve the situation. It'd be nice if it did, but it doesn't, such candy land doesn't exist for me. Quite the opposite, it'll do more bad than good. The replication timer never was considered long by anyone nor an issue at the same time, if you really believe that this will help, then it's preposterous and i know why exactly this will just not work at all in practice.
Here is the thing. Players witch bring more than one character to fight with (those witch bring 1 character still have utterly no chance even if the timer was 0, in practice they die very fast and leave very low amount of loot so it is very fast to loot them and get out of the city before they can retaliate), rarely experiences timer at all unless he lost all his characters at the same minute, but when he loses all his characters, no matter how much as long as it is more than one, logically the player will switch to a character witch has been dead already, at least he should because that is how it works in practice. Therefore any player that does that won't experience the replication CD at all, meaning the desired effect witch should take place after replication time decrease, is just non-existent for players with alt disadvantage( everyone uses alts in combat now, at least in TC, the problem is that one team just has more and this change won't do shit for them). Once dead, it's a matter of travel distance, organization to get back, some are better at that, some are worse, those players witch don't have base near each city, dedicated re-spawn bases etc. etc. are the players with the disadvantage.
the replication timer IS incredibly long considering the fast-relog. don't like modoc? move your ass to another city that's further from the respawn and problem solved.
the thing is that you bring 10 characters on map before every fight. what's the difference if ONE character comes back every minute instead of 10 characters coming every minute? i find the first option WORSE. this update gives solo players the chance to pvp with only one character without that bullshit 1 minute cooldown. you already have a penalty for travelling the world map to the city, so what's the big deal?
If i and my buddies bring 10 characters each, it won't matter for the opposite team even if the timer is 0. Though some stupid trolls that come back each time when they die to loot gear of a battle they haven't fought, is very annoying. Basically nice trolling feature.
if it won't matter if the timer is 0, then why are you crying?
you know what else is a trolling feature? fast-relog. your fast-relog.
I like to camp NCR and kill bluesuits.
Said by a NCR troll.
actually I pvp alot, and most the times i pvp SOLO. don't believe me? don't give a shit. and i KNOW how annoying is to kill 2 people that fast-relog just for the fuck of it.
So if you do "Solo", whatever that means ( running around in Reno with leather jackets and throwing knifes?), how is this going to help you? You'll be able to re-gear your character just a bit faster once you died, but will it actually help you to defeat anyone who is using multiple alts?If anything, timer once died should be increased for gear-less characters and what not. Not decreased like currently.
So if you do "Solo", whatever that means ( running around in Reno with leather jackets and throwing knifes?), how is this going to help you? You'll be able to re-gear your character just a bit faster once you died, but will it actually help you to defeat anyone who is using multiple alts?
what really pisses me off is that I am kicked out of Hinkley 20 seconds after each death
It means more playing and less waiting
It means more playing and less waiting, not everything in this game is about winning, you can have fun even without win.
Was it really? If you want to relog, you relog anyway. It changes nothing for you. If you only have one character, you don't need to wait too long anymore. So what's the big deal? "Oh no, they don't have to wait 60 seconds anymore!"? What exactly is it that makes 20 seconds waiting worse than 60 seconds waiting?
Then why not to remove it completely? No replication timer, preferably respawning on worldmap at the place you died or better, in your base.
i WOULD run in metal armor and avenger if i knew there's not gonna be losers that fast-relog massively just to get good stuff off ONE player.and no, i don't go around in leather jacket and throwing knives. and no, i don't only go to reno.
The problem is that 60s replication timer was one of few things that weren't changed during last 3 years and it was perfectly fine. Then why to change it at all? Not surprising that jovanka came up with this dumb idea, don't you remember her defending AC-troll feature?
Sure you would, sure.