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Or who has the most stuff to re-gear the alts continuously and constantly keep going back, with a base near city it's a huge advantage. With so many characters you don't ever stop re-gearing, just as long as you have the stuff and as soon as you find a brief, clear moment in a fight to multitask, second window => re-gear. It's just not against the rules. Though all that requires massive logistics and that gets very tedious and annoying with time.

Not to mention transporting all the alts to a new city, it's just wasted time and very mindless action in general. In a situation when some team makes TC while you just started TC of your own and transported all those alts, mercenaries and what not, it's very discouraging to move out.

I don't mind the longer fights, they are fun, but utterly unreasonable. It'd be nice to have some kind of limit, for example, like who couldn't gather at least two characters to fight with? I'm pretty sure that any player that is interested in TC will have at least two characters devoted for that, or could have without much hassle and wasted time on logistics and etc. etc. so if there would be ever a limit, I'd like a possibility to be able to use a second character for those extra longer fights as it wouldn't be any huge burden for anyone in my opinion. It'd be like the limit/restriction of logging applied after the only the second time.

Though going back to how it was before, using only 1 character per fight, that would nice also.

--- Quote from: manero on November 22, 2012, 11:19:04 pm ---Deal with it.

--- End quote ---

Some do, but can't ignore problems, issues just don't disappear in thin air. Fights today were pretty hardcore, one of the longest, bloodiest fights this session. Common players just can't participate in fights like that, there is just no chance as veterans will just overpower them. Most players just don't have so many alts, don't have time to spend playing the game to provide that much logistics even if he had that many alts.

Need to think about others.

....how about no?



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