Other > Closed suggestions

caravan's- possibility of the making decision ( help for newbie)

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--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 25, 2010, 12:35:56 pm ---But what situation do you have in mind?
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I mean connected situations around camper's... You are coming across the caravan and simultaneously caves which wants to tour, when you are leaving caves suddenly you can see the person which wants to greet you with lead.
It is also being marked out enco without caves, always will be some you which is counting to the visit of other specimen.

--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 25, 2010, 12:35:56 pm ---Or do you mean when a player attacks other player in front of a caravan?
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--- Quote from: vedaras on March 25, 2010, 01:07:53 pm ---join vc and vc  caravans will protect you :>

--- End quote ---

Man you must a just shut tha f**k up whit your's word of wisdom


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