Other > Closed suggestions

Implement flamer critical death animation


Why is it the only critical death animation missing from the game? I see gms doing it all the time so its obviously possible, dancing flaming death is the best.

yes, agreed and boost flamer dmg and perks associated with it, make flaming people fun again!


--- Quote from: TKs-KaBoom on November 21, 2012, 02:00:33 am ---yes, agreed and boost flamer dmg and perks associated with it, make flaming people fun again!

--- End quote ---
If it doesn't have six rotating barrels the devs are not interested in it.

Mike Crosser:
Flamer buff plus some new animations for it?
Sure, why not.


--- Quote from: Roachor on November 21, 2012, 01:40:51 am ---Why is it the only critical death animation missing from the game? I see gms doing it all the time so its obviously possible, dancing flaming death is the best.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on November 21, 2012, 01:42:48 pm ---Flamer buff plus some new animations for it?
Sure, why not.

--- End quote ---

As the OP was mentioning about animation only, thread is shamelessly closed with "implemented" note and another, "wait for update", somewhere near.

About animation itself, it was kind of bugged at the time of changes in animations handling and forgotten later - if anything unexpected will happen, you know what to do... Best is to check with character who have Bloody Mess in traits, not all criticals will play wanted animation (but chance is high enough to make it visible from time to time).


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