Other > Closed suggestions

Show weight in containers...

(1/3) > >>

I used "64/128" as an example. I don't know what the real numbers are but it sure would be nice if we could see them:

Actually it's volume and it's completely artificial (e.g. plant spike has 1, minigun 6).
Beside this I think it's good idea.

Mike Crosser:
I support this,yep sure do.

It look good


--- Quote from: JovankaB on November 20, 2012, 04:36:04 pm ---Actually it's volume and it's completely artificial (e.g. plant spike has 1, minigun 6).
Beside this I think it's good idea.

--- End quote ---
But some item apper to not have any volume. For example ammo

I vote for implementing this, even if its a volume. It could give us at least some idea.

Maybe it could be reworked a bit, so that you can put more ore in a Hummer than in characters inventory, which is ridiculous in my opinion.


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