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brad smalls:
Why bother having crits if they op certin weapons and will never be balanced why don't we just increese the DMG of weapons and AP of certin weapons like sniper should be 80-100 dmg and a base ap of 9 with a 5% knock out chance and 10% knock down chance. Laser should be 100-125 with the same as sniper
plasma should be 125-150 with 20% of knock down and same as laser ap.

because this is supposed to be based on "fallout".  crits are traditionally a key core component of "fallout".  Please don't take the crits out of fonline to appease the goofy pvp crowd that truly yearn for a shitty rock em sock em robot simulator....

brad smalls:
i am sure balanced pvp is better then old unbalanced fallout

No random factor = you can easily calculate whats best option, and since then, there will be no other builds out there.

It's called 'critical chance' in Dota. There is no counterplay involved.


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