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--- Quote from: Reconite on December 31, 2009, 09:11:42 am ---Guess why.
Because no one goes up north anymore. :D

Regarding this quest.
Does anyone know what the maximum skill level for "have low skill in small guns" is?

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less than 30 but i think you can't get the quest if you have another weapon skill that is high

--- Quote from: Aricvomit on December 31, 2009, 12:41:48 pm ---ohh yeah, forgot about listing that one, its the quest to join the raiders and opens up some other quests i think, thanks for jogging my memory!!

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Just after the wipe, there was a quest in the raider base involving a brother/sister relationship with a whore in Klamath. At a moment, the npc was removed due to a reward exploit. I don't know if he is back:

Talk to Hernandez who will say that before joining raiders, he was seeing his sister. He wants so news from her and will send you in Traper Town (Klamath) to find her.Talk to the lady (without telling her that her brother is a raider?) and get 500xp. Come back to Hernandez to get 500xp again.

--- Quote from: n00b1two on December 31, 2009, 01:38:23 pm ---yeah no problem but i think its useless beacause then you cant enter ncr vc etc karma -1500 so i think noone wanna do it

ok last quest question i have sorry forgot about it. In redding in second mine ( dont remember name but not morningstar) is a woman i speak to her and ask for a job . She said that have rats to kill in mine but first i must to prove my skills or something like that. She said to speak to convillete or smth like that. Said that his/her its in malmute saloon after work. I go there but not see anyone like that in a day or night. This quest is not avaible ? or not end?

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I never managed to find her. :/


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