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SG Sniper PvP balance
--- Quote from: avv on November 24, 2012, 04:55:21 pm ---Just don't endanger my bg builds.
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There, I shortened it for you.
Avv what are you talking about? with bonehead and man o steel eye shots are total crap, you haven't been noticing people just shoot limbs now? the 4 times dmg multiplier isn't enough when sniper only does like 35 dmg, best possible crit is 140 minus armour so you need at least 2-3 to kill someone.
--- Quote from: Roachor on November 24, 2012, 05:04:48 pm ---Avv what are you talking about? with bonehead and man o steel eye shots are total crap, you haven't been noticing people just shoot limbs now? the 4 times dmg multiplier isn't enough when sniper only does like 35 dmg, best possible crit is 140 minus armour so you need at least 2-3 to kill someone.
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What I'm talking about is that in last session people complained about crits because the head&eyeshots came with best damage and knockouts. So best way to have balanced crits would be to divide the aimshots into those that do effects (cripples, kos, kds) and those that do damage. Otherwise everyone will just aim in eyes and rest bodyparts are just fillers.
I'm fully aware that snipers can't kill high hp targets. For example my groinshooter sniper simply can't do it because the damage output is so bad. But he can KO people just fine.
Fat Man:
--- Quote from: avv on November 24, 2012, 04:55:21 pm ----snip-
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--- Quote ---- Reduce head/eyes damage multiplier
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This has already been done why its complete shit. You have this +40 critical defense and stonewall if you were to take all these perks, traits and combat helmets on top of it. 150 bypass is needed vs a 290 hp big gunner you forget that people have 290 hp? So lets reduce these crits to do 5 damage now so the max hp rocket launcher is only thing used still, this changes nothing, big gunner is even more dominate.
I don't understand why we have 290hp but sniper builds were changed so they do worse damage. Begining of session had it right but the changes to RBtE changed this.
--- Quote ---- Increase torso critchance and damage. (Torso could have like 60% base critchance to encourage low-range crit builds like pistolero and plasma)
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What so we can sit there and shoot it 4 times in a fight with a fast shot build? Its fine way it is what is wrong with eye head shots doing good amount of damage requires more skill points and action points to use. The sniper shot requires the most AP out of all the builds, and it doesn't make up for anything.
--- Quote ---- Add critchance and power bonuses for quality weapons and ammo
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Yes its good idea also makes the LSW less shit also if .223 had some special critical feature.
--- Quote ---- Return bypass chance or make it related to armors and weapons rather than luck
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This has already been done why we have full DR amors but the deterioration % determines the chance to reduce bypasses.
AVV please just play sniper for once all I see is you running around on big gunners and sneakers you do not play sniper enough as far as I see to understand what is wrong with the sniper.
--- Quote from: Roachor on November 24, 2012, 05:04:48 pm ---Avv what are you talking about? with bonehead and man o steel eye shots are total crap, you haven't been noticing people just shoot limbs now? the 4 times dmg multiplier isn't enough when sniper only does like 35 dmg, best possible crit is 140 minus armour so you need at least 2-3 to kill someone.
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Yes reduce the multiplier when a normal none critical shot on that unlucky roll does 4-6 damage, lets reduce it to x2 for top critical roll so we can now do 12 damage isntead of 50-60 on a bonehead build.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: davrot on November 24, 2012, 04:59:50 pm ---There, I shortened it for you.
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He is right,stop trying to save BG critical hitters and ruin all other builds.
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