Other > Closed suggestions
Plasma torch
--- Quote from: avv on November 18, 2012, 06:05:04 pm ---Hth and melee are basically the same thing.
No idea what's the crusade you're talking about I'm just laying down some facts and you calling them personal opinions isn't very smart because that will just derail the whole subject.
Besides, there's nothing wrong to be against suggestions that have the potential to make the gameplay worse.
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You're the one laying down "facts" about an unimplemented weapon. Your predictions are not the subject of this thread.
avv's right, but why not buff melee weapons like super sledge or ripper, or mega power fist to be able to kill guy in 1 - 2 hits? Those weapons are best of its tier and cost some more than others, another thing is adding the heavy handed effect to the melee weapons - then it'll have legs and arms, but still damage is too low with hi-teq melee weapons compared to other...
--- Quote from: davrot on November 18, 2012, 06:13:29 pm ---You're the one laying down "facts" about an unimplemented weapon. Your predictions are not the subject of this thread.
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How is plasma torch different from any unarmed/melee weapon when it comes to playstyle?
All melee weapons require you to be right next to the enemy and that's when all the downsides and drawbacks I've explained to you kick in. It doesn't matter if it's super sledge, plasma torch or powerfist - same rules apply.
--- Quote from: avv on November 18, 2012, 06:33:36 pm ---How is plasma torch different from any unarmed/melee weapon when it comes to playstyle?
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Sheer lethality that allows you to quickly kill your enemy, instead of repeatedly bashing him hoping he would get knocked out while his buddies tickle you with miniguns from behind.
--- Quote from: davrot on November 18, 2012, 06:38:57 pm ---Sheer lethality that allows you to quickly kill your enemy, instead of repeatedly bashing him hoping he would get knocked out while his buddies tickle you with miniguns from behind.
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So you just click on opponent and if you get close, he dies. Doesn't sound particularly fun for anyone because of course the opponent will start running away. Then you chase him forever or let go, just like how heavy handed works. This is the problem all hth fights have.
Only way to get something done would be to lurk in corners but then your whole gameplay narrows down to corners, which basically makes the build quite limited. Balanced weapons are always useful.
If the weapon is so strong it can just kill things it gets close to, it would be overpowered when combined with sneak because low PE chars couldn't see it coming.
If the weapon was incredibly rare, then it would be all the same if it was added or not because situations to use it would be extremely rare and few would dare to risk it.
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