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Car lost, is it a bug?

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Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: -Max Payne- on November 17, 2012, 02:04:26 pm ---I have this bug,

I have spawn with my car one hex Broken hills, when i come back the yellow point was on the green circle from BH, impossible to take the car back...

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This is a bug.
Only way to get it back is either to ask a GM to help you or hover over the yellow circle with the cursor and you might find a small portion of it that isn't in the green circle.


--- Quote from: gauvaran on November 17, 2012, 01:00:22 pm ---But it was too fast, I did not even see the yellow circle  :-\
--- End quote ---

The thief could be there before you even left the location.


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